23 October • New York
Benefit Concert for the Children and Youth of Ukraine (Direct Relief)
15 October • Munich
Benefit Concert for the Gesellschaft zur Förderung Jüdischer Kultur und Tradition e.V.
4 October • Wehr
Benefit Concert in favor of the Hanna and Paul Gräb-Foundation
1 October • Berlin
Benefit Concert in favor of the Stiftung Deutsche Krebshilfe
2 December • Leipzig
Benefit Concert in favor of the foundation Leipzig hilft Kindern
28 October • Munich
Benefit Concert in favor of the Hilfsverein Nymphenburg e.V.
22 June • Ravenna
Benefit Concert in favor of the Municipal School of Music „Giuseppe Sarti“ of Faenza
19 March • Cologne
Benefit Concert in favor of the Cologne Chamber Orchestra
9 April • Lucerne
Benefit Concert in favor of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Ukraine
17 March • Dortmund
Benefit Concert in favor of the projects of Save the Children in Ukraine
8 March • Munich
Benefit Concert in favor of the projects of Save the Children in Ukraine
6 March • Geneva
Benefit Concert in favor of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Ukraine
7 February • Madrid
Benefit Concert in favor of international scholarships for young musicians
17 December • Bonn
Benefit Concert in favor of the Beethoven Haus Bonn
15 December • Lausanne
Benefit Concert in favor of Vevey Spring Classic
16 December • Bonn
Benefit Concert in favor of the Beethoven Haus Bonn: cancelled because of COVID-19 pandemic
28 November • Leipzig
Benefit Concert in favor of the foundation „Leipzig hilft Kindern“: cancelled because of COVID-19 pandemic
26 March • London
Benefit Concert in favor of Crisis: cancelled because of COVID-19 pandemic
18 May • Hamburg
Benefit Concert in favor of the projects of Save the Children in Yemen
15 December • Aurach
Benefit Concert in favor of the renovation of the historic church organ in the parish church St. Rupert in Aurach / Kitzbühel
14 December • Wehr
Benefit Concert in favor of the Hanna and Paul Gräb-Foundation
23 September • Monastery St. Ottilien
Benefit Concert in favor of the project „Liberation – Artist in Residence“ of the archabbey St. Ottilien
20 September • Berlin
Benefit Concert in favor of the Daniel Barenboim Foundation and the Anne-Sophie Mutter Foundation (50:50)
7 June • Dortmund
Benefit Concert in favor of the Romanian orphanage in Orlat
30 April • Omaha
Benefit Concert in favor of the “Healing Arts Program” at the Fred and Pamela Buffett Cancer Center
18 March • Leipzig
Benefit Concert in favor of Leipzig Refugee Council („Integration durch Bildung e.V.“) and „Interaction Leipzig e.V.“
14 June • Leipzig
Benefit Concert in favor of Leipzig Refugee Council („Integration durch Bildung e.V.“)
9 June • Luxemburg
Benefit Concert in favor of SOS Children‘s Villages in Syria
29 May • Essen
Benefit Concert in favor of the Ruhr Piano Festival Foundation
13 November • München
Benefit Concert donated to the Beethoven Fund for Deaf Children
7 September • Versailles
Benefit Concert in favor of the restorations of the Palace of Versailles
27 June • Wehr
Benefit Concert donated to the Hanna and Paul Gräb-Foundation
30 November • Worms
Benefit Concert donated to the Lebenshilfe Worms
7 November • Aurach
Benefit Concert donated to the renovation of the church organ in the parish church St. Rupert in Oberaurach
13 October • Oxford
Benefit Concert donated to the Beethoven Fund for Deaf Children
7 November • Zürich
Benefit Concert donated to the Foundation Bruno Bloch
3 June • Tokio
Benefit Concert donated to "Save the Children Japan"
11 October • München
Benefit Concert donated to the Anne-Sophie Mutter Foundation
15 September • Norrköping
Benefit Concert donated to the "Fund in support of the Norrköping Symphony Orchestra's young contemporary composers scheme"
4 July • Berlin
Benefit Concert donated to the reconstruction of The Staatsoper Unter den Linden
11 February • München
Benefit Concert donated to the Foundation Lichtblick Hasenbergl
3 April • New York
Benefit concert dedicated to the victims of the natural and nuclear disasters in Japan
20 March • Wehr
Benefit Concert donated to the Hanna and Paul Gräb-Foundation
14 March • Lucerne
Benefit Concert donated to the Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Society
21 January • Berlin
Benefit Concert donated to theAnne-Sophie Mutter Foundation
20 January • Berlin
Benefit Concert donated to the Anne-Sophie Mutter Foundation
19 January • Berlin
Benefit Concert donated to the Anne-Sophie Mutter Foundation
24 October • Karlsruhe
Benefit Concert donated to the University of Music Karlsruhe
8 May • Genf
Benefit Concert donated to the „Fondation Dubois-Ferrière Dinu Lipatti“
21 February • Madrid
Benefit Concert donated to "Save the Children"
25 January • Paris
Benefit Concert donated to the "Association des amis de la maison de Solenn"
14 June • Leipzig
Benefit Concert donated to the Felix Mendelssohn-Foundation
18 May • Göteborg
Benefit Concert donated to the Childhood Foundation
30 March • Breslau
Benefit Concert donated to the Beethoven Association Warsaw
15 January • Stuttgart
Benefit Concert donted to the Anne-Sophie Mutter Foundation
29 November • Bonn
Charitable concert to raise funds for the acquisition of Beethoven's original manuscript of Diabelli Variations
25 May • Shanghai
Benefit Concert donated to the victims of the Sichuan earthquake
7 April • San Francisco
Benefit Concert donated to Classical Action "Artist against Aids"
23 January • Berlin
Benefit concert donated to the Academy of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra
1 October • Washington D.C.
Benefit Concert donated to the Harman Center for the Arts
16 June • Leipzig
Benefit gala on the occasion of the 80th birthday of maestro Kurt Masur donated to the Felix-Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Foundation Leipzig
8 March • Dublin
Benefit Concert donated to the renovation of the National Concert Hall
10 February • Frankfurt
Benefit Concert donated to the girls' orphanage in Orlat / Rumania
19 May • Wehr
Benefit Concert donated to the "Hanna and Paul Gräb Foundation"
17 September • München
Benefit Concert donated to the Jewish Religious Community Munich for the foundation of the Jewish Centre Munich
19 October • Riga
Benefit Concert donated to the SOS-Kinderdorf
10 April • Warschau
Benefit Concert donated to the Ludwig van Beethoven Association Warsaw
30 September • Luxemburg
Benefit Concert donated to the SOS-Kinderdorf
17 November • Genf
Benefit Concert donated to the Foundation Dinu Lipatti (Leukaemia Research)
14 April • New York
Benefit Concert donated to Classical Action Performing Arts Against AIDS
4 May • Wien
Benefit Concert donated to the "Campaign against the use of land-mines"
17 October • Berlin
Benefit Concert donated to the Anna-Amalia-Library in Weimar
21 February • Neuwied
Benefit Concert donated to the Association of Friends and Sponsors of the Johanniter Hospital
10 July • Bonn
Benefit Concert donated to the Beethoven-House Bonn
9 February • Aurach
Benefit Concert donated to the renovation of the parish church in Aurach
16 March • Hombroich
Benefit Concert donated to the Association of Art and Culture in Hombroich
7 July • Wehr
2nd Benefit Concert donated to the foundation of the Dr. Detlef Wunderlich House in Wehr
31 October • Baden-Baden
Benefit concert donated to the Kinderheim "Kalkuni" in Lettland (Dr. Detlef Wunderlich House)
30 March • Genf
Benefit Concert donated to the Foundation Dinu Lipatti (leukaemia research)
23 April • Salzburg
Matinée in Memoriam Herbert von Karajan
16 June • München
Benefit Concert donated to the Foundation of the Pinakothek der Moderne
28 May • Salzburg
Benefit Concert for SOS-Kinderdorf
30 January • München
Benefit Concert donated to the Munich Association to Promote Art and Public Health
13 February • Frankfurt
Benefit concert donated to the building of an orphanage in Viktoriastadt, Rumania (Dr. Detlef Wunderlich House)
27 April • Philadelphia
Benefit Concert donated to Temple University
8 December • Tokio
Benefit Concert for "Save the Children"
17 December • Bonn
Benefit Concert donated to the Beethoven-House Bonn
16 August • Bad Säckingen
Benefit Concert donated to "Art + Deaconry"
19 August • Freiburg
Benefit Concert donated to the German Association for Muscle Diseased (Dr. Detlef Wunderlich House)
Benefit concert donated to the Beethoven-House Bonn
Benefit Concert donated to the Institute Pasteur
USA Tournee
Part of fee of each recital on US Tour donated to Classical Action Performing Arts Against AIDS
18 September • Öflingen
1st Benefit Concert donated to the foundation of the Dr. Detlef Wunderlich House in Wehr
27 August • Neuwied
Benefit Concert donated to the Association of Friends and Sponsors of the Johanniter Hospital
Benefit Concert donated to the Beethoven Fund for Deaf Children